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Bienvenido al sistema de Mega Subastas Centroamérica

Mega Subastas Centroamerica

The online auction system eAuction provide the next features:

  • To participate in an auction a bidder must have a digital certificate issued by a Certificate Authority
  • In an auction event each bid is digitally signed and stamped chronologically. The chronological stamp must be issued by a Certificate Authority
  • The auction platform works on the following operating systems: Windows, Linux and MacOS. Additionally, the platform supports the following browsers: IE 6.0 or greater, Mozilla Firefox, Chrome and Safari.
  • The online auction platform has a module with simulations in which bidders must enter before the real auction with the aim of taking the respective training.
  • At the end of an auction event, the tool automatically generates a report in which the winner of the event and details of all bids are shown.
  • Auctions can be extended because a bid in the last minutes of the event. This aims to give an opportunity for other bidders to respond to the latest offer.
  • Legal and evidential burden of auctions (digital evidence) is made up of the following parts: digital signature of bids, chronological stamp and the response of the system to a bid
  • The visibility of the auction can be of two types : (i) Visible: During the execution of an auction event, bidders can see the position and offers from other bidders and (ii) Invisible: During the execution of an auction event, bidders only can see their position and their offers.